
How To Clean Infant Medicine Syringe

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8 week jabs. How do you sterilise medicine syringes?

(17 Posts)

jessica3692 Mon 23-Mar-15 11:55:46

Hi all! I have a couple of nurofen medicine syringes and today my baby has her 8 week jabs sad. I've bought some infant calpol in case she develops a temperature and thought the syringes would be handy to use. My question is how do I sterilise these? We have a steriliser which you fill with cold water and then microwave for 8 minutes. Can I use this? Thank you!

TheBuggerlugs Mon 23-Mar-15 11:57:31

I never steralised them TBH. If you want to you could pull the plunger bit out as far as it will go and try that.

icklekid Mon 23-Mar-15 11:58:33

Yes you can sterilise in microwavable steriliser

glasgowlass Mon 23-Mar-15 12:01:40

I've never steralised the syringes. Just take it apart, wash it in hot soapy water, rinse clean and set aside on clean kitchen roll to dry.
If you're worried about re using syringes at all then get some more from pharmacy, ebay or amazon.
I tend to replace mine every few months but you will be fine to not steralise. Just wash thoroughly.

PomeralLights Mon 23-Mar-15 12:07:09

Have you checked the infant calpol box? Mine came with a syringe in

PotteringAlong Mon 23-Mar-15 12:08:51

It's never crossed my mind to sterilise them!

Kraggle Mon 23-Mar-15 12:09:16

If you have a dishwasher then you can just take them apart and bung them in thre, that's what we do.

sanquhar Mon 23-Mar-15 12:12:12

i never sterilised them either. does calpol breed bacteria?

i just swooshed it under the hot tap so it wasn't sticky for next time, didn't use w/u liquid eithershock

MrsBojingles Mon 23-Mar-15 14:37:11

I stuck some in a steam steriliser once (had to give medicine mixed with milk) and some of them bent. So don't try that. TBH I never worry about Calpol syringes - I just was in hot soapy water. If you're worried maybe get some Milton?

MangosMangosMangos Mon 23-Mar-15 16:20:18

I just use a spoon tbh and wash it in hot water.

bonzo77 Mon 23-Mar-15 16:27:08

No need to sterilise but you can steam or cold sterilise if you want. They don't melt with the steam.

mrstothemr Mon 23-Mar-15 16:41:48

Never occurred to me either...

SophieandHerSnail Mon 23-Mar-15 17:09:29

Never occurred to me to sterilise them. Do you make sure everything that goes near your child's mouth is sterilised? Genuine question as just something I have never thought about.

jimijack Mon 23-Mar-15 17:15:30

Dishwasher here too when I can be arsed, otherwise I just take apart, wash under the running tap & let it air dry before putting it back together.

Bedsheets4knickers Mon 23-Mar-15 19:44:13

Didn't do it either but you could boil them zx

laura0007 Mon 23-Mar-15 20:12:38

I sterilised it the first time I used it and it melted in my microwave steriliser. Never sterilised since and DS is now a healthy 13 month old

threegoingonthirty Mon 23-Mar-15 21:00:07

For the first baby you sterilise
For the second you run under the tap
For the third you pick up off the floor
For the fourth you take out of the dog's mouth

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How To Clean Infant Medicine Syringe


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